ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

Defining Storage Locations for Imported Content

All outgoing and incoming ProjectWise Deliverables Management content is securely stored in the ProjectWise project. When using the ProjectWise Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer, the following actions will automatically import Deliverables Management files from the ProjectWise project into the associated work area in ProjectWise:

  • Acknowledging an incoming submittal - files in the submittal package are imported
  • Acknowledging an incoming RFI - files attached to the RFI are imported
  • Opening an outgoing transmittal that has incoming responses - files attached to the transmittal responses are imported
  • Opening an outgoing RFI that has incoming responses - files attached to the RFI responses are imported

The import process stores the files in the work area, under the default storage location specified for each item type. A reference scan is also performed automatically at the time of import.

There may be times when you need to manually import files from the ProjectWise project into the associated work area. For example:

  • If the files you previously imported got deleted.
  • If you acknowledge an incoming submittal or RFI from the ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal, but you still want to import their files into the associated work area.

Default Storage Locations

Default storage locations are defined per project on the Storage tab of the Deliverables Management Settings dialog, which has two tabs:

  • Transmittals and Submittals - Use the Transmittals and Submittals tab to change the folder in the work area in which to import documents from incoming submittals, and attachments to incoming responses for outgoing transmittals.
  • RFI - Use the RFI tab to change the folder in the work area in which to import attachments to incoming RFIs, and attachments to incoming responses for outgoing RFIs.

There are six default storage locations, one for each type of incoming content, which are defined as follows:

Attachments to incoming responses for outgoing non-confidential transmittals Default location:

pw:\\server:datasource\Documents\<yourworkarea>\Transmittal responses\<TransmittalID>\

Attachments to incoming responses for outgoing confidential transmittals Default location:

<no default location specified>

Documents from incoming non-confidential submittals Default location:

pw:\\server:datasource\Documents\<yourworkarea>\Submittal documents\<SubmittalID>\

Documents from incoming confidential submittals Default location:

<no default location specified>

Attachments to incoming RFIs Default location:

pw:\\server:datasource\Documents\<yourworkarea>\Incoming RFI documents\<PackageID>\

Attachments to incoming responses for outgoing RFIs Default location:

pw:\\server:datasource\Documents\<yourworkarea>\Outgoing RFI responses\<PackageID>\

You can leave the default locations as they are or change any of them as needed. No default location is defined for confidential transmittal responses or confidential submittals, therefore you must first define these locations before documents from these packages can be imported.

Each storage location has two editable components: the root storage folder (for example, "Transmittal responses"), and the subfolder under the root storage folder into which the incoming content is imported (for example, <TransmittalID>). You can change just the root storage folder, just the subfolder, or both. If you need to change the root storage folder, note that the storage location must always be within the work area; you cannot select a location outside of the work area.

If you change any of these storage locations after files have already been imported to them, then any existing files remain where they are in the old storage location and any new incoming files will be imported into the new location.

If any of these storage folders ever gets deleted or renamed, the location specified on the Transmittals and Submittals and RFI tabs will get created automatically when needed (the next time an attempt is made to import a file to one of these locations).

Which Attribute Should I Use To Name My Storage Folder?

For each type of incoming content, there are several attributes you can choose from to name the subfolder into which the incoming content is imported. It is mostly a matter of preference which attribute you use, but there are advantages to each, and you will have to decide which attribute makes the most sense for your organization.

The simplest method, which is also the default for each type of incoming content, is to store incoming files in a subfolder named after the package the files are related to or came from (for example, Transmittal ID, or Submittal ID, or Package ID for RFIs).

For submittals, a more advanced option is to use the Company name attribute. This stores all submittal documents from a particular company in the same subfolder (named after the company who sent the submittal). Similarly, you could use the Classification attribute, which stores all submittal documents that are assigned a particular classification label in the same subfolder (named after the classification label assigned to the submittal). Both of these options not only make it easy to find submittal documents that come from a particular company or belong to a particular classification, but they also then allow for the automatic creation of versions when importing a document from one submittal, if there is already a document of the same name in the same folder but from a different submittal. See Creating Versions of Submittal Documents on Import. Note that use of the Company name and Classification options generally assumes that the sender is not sending any duplicates of documents, and also that the sender is entering version data correctly.